I know it can be done with OllyDbg, but hey; why spend alot of time nopping the crap outta WinRAR while you can 'crack' it with just a mouse press
Anyways let's get started.
First two things you'll need are these:
WinRAR: http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm
ResourceHacker(ResHacker): http://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker/
So install WinRAR, and open it up. You'll see after like 2 seconds a nag screen pop up. If you don't, change the windows time like 50 days further (you can put it back afterwards) so the nag screen shows.
Now open up WinRAR.exe from the WinRAR directory in Reshacker (close WinRAR first!).
Then open the "Dialog" tab/item
Now open up the tab/item called "REMINDER"
Right click the item that is in the tab/item and select the option to delete the resource:
Now save the file (CTRL+S or File --> Save)
And now You're Done
Have fun with your cracked WinRAR!
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